ParkView Hospital, Riverside CA


Specializes in Medical Surgical, PHN.

Hello everyone!

I had my interview. It went well with the nurse recruiter; he was pretty cool and the med math test was pretty easy and at the last minute with no warning! lol.

I got the verbal job offer but HR did not get to me until 9 days later (or 7 business days). My impression is that it's not professional here at this hospital, however, does that mean they more relax with the staff? hmmm.

I did not meet with the director/manager. Just the recruiter. Yes the hospital is old but it's super close to where I am at.

There's LVN and CNA so there's team coordinating (med-surge unit). Pay offer for a 2 year RN, with double bachelor is $32. Night diff is $4.

Im currently negotiating for more pay since my previous job paid more.

Pros: kick back management - maybe kickback management? more growth in unit I want to transfer to (NICU, ICU, OR, etc) since its so small. Close to home and family.

Cons: kickback environment may lead to liability? pay less.

Other job offer is $39 with diff rate $4 but 70 miles away at a magnet hospital, management is more on your back, however, higher standard nurse I'll become? 1.5 hrs away.


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Nursing Career Advice forum

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