Published Apr 20, 2015
82 Posts
Hello everyone!
I had my interview. It went well with the nurse recruiter; he was pretty cool and the med math test was pretty easy and at the last minute with no warning! lol.
I got the verbal job offer but HR did not get to me until 9 days later (or 7 business days). My impression is that it's not professional here at this hospital, however, does that mean they more relax with the staff? hmmm.
I did not meet with the director/manager. Just the recruiter. Yes the hospital is old but it's super close to where I am at.
There's LVN and CNA so there's team coordinating (med-surge unit). Pay offer for a 2 year RN, with double bachelor is $32. Night diff is $4.
Im currently negotiating for more pay since my previous job paid more.
Pros: kick back management - maybe kickback management? more growth in unit I want to transfer to (NICU, ICU, OR, etc) since its so small. Close to home and family.
Cons: kickback environment may lead to liability? pay less.
Other job offer is $39 with diff rate $4 but 70 miles away at a magnet hospital, management is more on your back, however, higher standard nurse I'll become? 1.5 hrs away.
Silverdragon102, BSN
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