Paramedic to RN


Hello I have been a paramedic for 11 years, will this help me to complete the excelsior program faster or should I do a traditional program?

Specializes in EMT since 92, Paramedic since 97, RN and PHRN 2021.


I have been a medic for 18 years and have decided to go the excelsior route as my knees and back won't hold out with the rigors of jumping out of an ambulance much longer. Anyways, having your paramedic most definitely will help you. The background required to be successful in excelsiors nursing program is most definitely pertinent. Thats why they also accept medics, besides LPN's into the program. I am barreling through my general credits right now. I will be finished all of my general credits required by the middle of april. I decided to take the classes for my general credit requirements but when it comes to the nursing credits , I plan on taking the tests for those. Hopefully if all goes well by this time next year I will have my RN license.

Do not be intimidated. This program is perfect for paramedics. The counselors at excelsior will answer any and all questions you may have and will do so quickly. I have obtained financial aid for the classes I'm taking and will have to fork out the money for when I test out of the nursing part.

There are plenty of RN's on this board that can vouch for what I'm saying. Being a medic is definitely a plus when taking the excelsior program.

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