Published Apr 9, 2020
Future Nurse1212
6 Posts
I haven't seen any threads about the 2020-2021 applicants, so I figured I'd start one! Has anyone received their acceptance letter?
10 Posts
I didn’t receive a letter due to the office of admissions being closed but I did receive an email at the end of March, I didn’t know until someone from the office texted me and asked if I had any questions.
I only received acceptance via email, but not mail due to the school closure. I am starting the fall semester.
Congratulations, me too! I thought that we were going to notified in the Summer if we got accepted or not. I’m excited and nervous, LOL.
Thank you, congratulation to you as well. Yes, I am nervous too and a bit surprised that we received notice of acceptance so early.
Do you happen to know what is next?
No, I do not. I am still waiting for my gap analysis evaluation because I am coming from Concordia University nursing school. I emailed -------------------- twice, but so far no response besides the first email of acceptance to nursing school.
I hope she emails you soon, I still have to pay for my enrollment fee and hopefully I’ll get an email with more details. ??
After you pay your enrollment fee, you get your student email. Plus you have to send in some medical records.
15 Posts
When did you guys receive the emails? I still haven’t received anything yet.
Yes, I got an email on March 27th. In the email it said that I’ll get a letter in the mail later this Spring. I didn’t know that I got accepted because the email had gone into my junk mail. So make sure you check both.
I also received my email in March. Check your junk mail as well.