Pace ABSN Spring 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Did anyone apply for Pace ABSN Spring 2017

I received my letter today as well they wait listed me too

I received my letter today as well they wait listed me too

Whats your rank #?

I received a letter as well. Did either of you get waitlisted for the 1 year program? Or 2 year program? I was waitlisted for the 1 year program. I just received my letter because I was out of state. I am sending my e-mail response asap. @sanaa124 did they tell you about a seat for fall through the email response? Or did your letter specifically stated that? ALSO CONGRATS!

I was wait listed for the 1 year program too as Rank # 1. Got my letter this Friday. And no Someone had told me that day of the interview and as well as reading the previous threads. But I will call and double check.

I was wait listed for the 1 year program too as Rank # 1. Got my letter this Friday. And no Someone had told me that day of the interview and as well as reading the previous threads. But I will call and double check.

Thats good congrats. During the interview they said they invite some people from the wait list to the orientation so you might get invited to the orientation that's good.. As for me I'm rank 17 so I don't think they are going to reach me

I'm waitlisted too!

Thats good congrats. During the interview they said they invite some people from the wait list to the orientation so you might get invited to the orientation that's good.. As for me I'm rank 17 so I don't think they are going to reach me

Thank you! :) Congrats to you as well. And really? Hopefully I get called for the orientation to get a better insight of what to expect. I'm still waiting on 1 schools response. Good luck to you!

I'm waitlisted too!

What is your rank #

Did anyone call from the wait list to find out more information? They just told me to wait till next month to tell me what will happen.

Hi Shanala! I applied to Fairfield U as well. May I ask how you found out you were accepted and when?

Did anyone call from the wait list to find out more information? They just told me to wait till next month to tell me what will happen.

Yes they told me the same thing she said right before the holidays they will let me know my options

I got off the wait list!! Is anyone planning to Dorm or live around there? The Westchester campus is pretty far from me. :/ so confused

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