Published Feb 18, 2006
10 Articles; 18,927 Posts
from hap:the hospital & healthsystem association of pennsylvania
act 44 - health care provider retention program
last updated: 2/27/2004
the budget package includes full restoration of the hospital state budget cuts for the community access fund, outpatient disproportionate share, rural access, and medical education; a two-year mcare abatement program for physicians funded by an increase in the cigarette tax; behavioral health funding; funding for the trauma stabilization act, which is contingent upon passage of the trauma stabilization act (h.b. 100) to be considered early in 2004; and additional funding for the healthchoices plans.
major budget restorations:
mcare abatement:
the mcare abatement program for 2003 and 2004 will be funded through the 35-cent cigarette tax increase, with 25 cents directed towards mcare abatement ($181 million). details of the mcare abatement include:
2005 update:
overview of pennsylvania's medical liability environment 2005
2005 fact sheet: pennsylvania medical liability environment
2006 election preview