Published Dec 1, 2003
77 Posts
just wondering if anyone out there has info re: unilateral ovarian fullness. a friend was advised she has R sided ovarian fullness and is scheduled for an ultra sound...she has already jumped to the conclusion that she has ovarian cancer. she does have a family hx. does anyone know if this is always assoc with ovarian Ca or does it occur with cysts as well. any resources on the subject? thanks folks!
187 Posts
Tell your friend that ovarian fullness is a common sign of cysts.
This web site gives clear, easy to read, laymans term information
It may indicate cancer, but more often cysts. that is why the ultrasound is ordered.
131 Posts
A feeling of ovarian fullness in not in itself unusual. Many women of reproductive age experience 'mittleschmirtz' and many know when they are going to ovulate by such a feeling. It is likely cystic and of course a doctor visit would not be a bad idea dependent on the severity and duration, and particularly in light of her family history. Some cysts will rupture on their own and some may need to be ruptured- an ultrasound will help determine that.