Outside interests and hobbies

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi everyone,

Do any of you have outside hobbies or interests that you plan on continuing while in the nursing program (maybe a sport, etc.)? I am a competitive Irish dancer, and Irish dancing takes a lot of time and commitment (as does anything we want to excel in). Being an Irish dancer has given me a great work ethic, helped me to learn teamwork, and let me release my stress in a constructive way--as well as help me to be a better student (by learning how to manage time, etc). I plan on doing both nursing school and competitive Irish dancing (as much as I can, at least) because I need to have an outlet from nursing school. Do any of you plan to continue your hobbies while in school, or are you going to solely focus on the program?

Do my kids count as an interest? :p

I think I gave up all of my hobbies when my kiddo got old enough to develop her own. Now we have soccer, karate, swimming, etc. Between work and her hobbies, there really isn't any time for my own (not complaining, I actually really enjoy it) and pretty soon, my youngest will be at the age of wanting some activities of her own as well.

But yes, I really hope that I will still be able to participate in her hobbies, and cheer her on from the sidelines while in nursing school (although more than likely with some kind of textbook in my lap)

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