Other great info resources such as icufaq?


Hi, third year here from Windsor, ON, Canada. Shortly after joining this community I discovered the icufaqs.org and it gave me a whole new perspective on how nursing education can be. The question is, are there any other informative/educational/humorous resources out there, (other than this web-site of course)? Specialty is not an issue for me right now since I'm open to anything at the moment. Looking forward to replies/comments.


P.S. What does Mark Hammerschmidt look like? I need to put a face on him!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Hello and welcome to allnurses.com

Not sure if we have "humorous" links in the specialty areas?? You'll have to look and see. But, we do have sticky threads (placed at the bottom of forums) in some of the numerous specialty forums that link to important information.

For example, in our CCU forum, you can find this important sticky:


You also will find informative threads (some stickies) in the Student forums.

Just take some time and cruise the site. :)

We hope you enjoy allnurses.com.

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