OSU-OKC Spring 2019


Hey! I noticed there have been threads for the applicants of every semester so far and in wanted to create one for Spring 2019! :)

How many points are you applying with?

93! Are you applying?

I only have 80 points :(((

That's okay! That may be enough to get in. It fluctuates based on the applicants.

Hi!! I also just put in my application for spring 2019! I have 100 points.

If it makes you feel better I only applied with 78 haha

I'm applying with 92 points but still have 10 credits of courses this fall, one of which is a science course, to complete.

I applied for spring 18 with 69 pts didn't get in fall 18 with 78pts didn't get in. now I have 90pts I pray the third time is a freakin charm!

I applied today with 85, cautiously optimistic.

Does anyone know when the school usually sends out acceptance letters?

I am 30 with three kids... Anyone else with a family applying!? I'm nervous to go back to school and figuring out how I'm going to balance everything!

90 points is awesome! You got this!

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