OSU-OKC Spring 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello everyone!

I saw conversation threads from last semesters and thought that I would reach out to see if others had applied for the Spring 2018 Nursing Program at OSU-OKC. I would love to be able to chat with others as we all begin the big waiting game.

I applied to OSU-OKC last week with 93 points and am finishing up my application for UCO!

I was sent a denial letter, but I had 87 points, or so I thought. Apparently, they went off an old transcript that was based off a 3.49 gpa, putting their calculations at 77, not 87. I'd encourage everyone that got a denial or waiting list letter to check and make sure you got all the points you had coming to you! Gaytra is having the dept heads re-review my application, and will be sending me out another letter in the coming few weeks.

I've been wait listed with 81 points as well.

Not sure if this thread is still active: Does anyone here know how long the program is at OSUOKC after you get accepted/complete all of the prereq work?

Can any of you tell me what the class schedule is like once you're in the program? Just trying to get an idea. I'm applying for Spring 2019.

Two years- 4 semesters

Can any of you tell me what the class schedule is like once you're in the program? Just trying to get an idea. I'm applying for Spring 2019.

First semester you will have lecture M/ TH from 8 am to 10 something... (10:30 I think?) Then you will pick Tue OR Wed for Lab/Clinicals. Labs are all day I believe.. like 8 to 5? (Dont quote me on that exact time but it does take up a whole day) and then Clinicals are AM or PM.

It changes every semester

I'm trying to find out what he uniforms are for the program since I'm buying scrubs to wear in anatomy. Do any black pants work or do they have to be specific? I know there's a specific top and I won't buy those until I've been accepted into the program.

Thank you!!

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