Nurses General Nursing
Published Feb 13, 2007
164 Posts
My ego is terribly bruised. I have been an RN since 2004. I was an LPN for 6 years prior to that. I work in a small-ish hospital in the ED. (I love it) I wanted more experience and more action:stone so I applied and was hired at a bigger hospital. I was told that with my level of experience it would probably take a while to get me oriented. (I only wanted to work PRN at this hospital) I thought "ok, fine" and started my orientation. That was (I am humiliated to say) back in november. Granted, when I started I was only orienting for 1 day per week. My preceptor coordinator told me I needed to commit to 2 days per week of orientation to get me through. I have been working 4-5 days per week since the begining of January. I am so exhausted that I just want to quit. I thought that I would be done this week, but my preceptor coordinator called to schedule my next few WEEKS of ORIENTATION.
I can't keep working like this. I really like both places. I am more loyal to the smaller one-and it pays a helluvalot better too.
I asked for specific's on what I need to work on and was just told "with your level of experience we feel it is better for you to have a good orientation"
I KNOW that I am fairly inexperienced. BELIEVE me. But in my home hospital I am doing fine. I take really critical pt's there with just a little twinge of fear (I don't think that will ever change) But my self esteem in this new hospital is knocking me down. I'm trying not to act afraid, but the longer they keep my orienting the stupider I feel.
How long is a good orientation? What is it that you preceptors look for? What makes you think someone is "ready" to go out on their own?
lemme have it...
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
A "normal" new grad orientation is anywhere from 6-12 weeks. If you're that exhausted and discouraged, I would say stay where you're happy for right now and try the bigger places again later. No sense in beating yourself up.
technically I'm not a "new grad" I have been an ER nurse for 2 years. I think that is why my ego is so bruised. (and yes, I know 2years is not a very long time)
I'm afraid to quit the new place--Don't want to shut any doors.
Sorry, I read the first post too quickly. I saw "LPN for 6 years" and thought you are a new RN grad.
Have you tried pinning them down about what the problem is? If you've been doing this for 2 years you should be fine. You have the right to know why they think you're not ready to work on your own.
1,174 Posts
I can't help but think of the Travelers at my hospital and how they are given only one day on the floor for orientation and expected to function fine after that...LOL
I think you understand yourself well. Trust your own feelings about the orientation marathon.
I agree, call them on it, find out the goals, if tangible, you can satisfy to pass orientation, 'cause this sounds just plain mean ;-(
I can remember sitting down with my two managers and their telling me specifically I was too unsafe to start..."you need to give Kaexelate to a patient that has a high K (pt refused, K was above 6 LOL)..." and other problems; I just think your being an experienced RN, you should be the one that says enough is enough I'm ready, I don't need to be on orientation anymore!
Ps...I know this is kooky, but perahaps your preceptor is a bit of a bully or power monger? Anyway, good luck!
I can't help but think of the Travelers at my hospital and how they are given only one day on the floor for orientation and expected to function fine after that...LOL I think you understand yourself well. Trust your own feelings about the orientation marathon.I agree, call them on it, find out the goals, if tangible, you can satisfy to pass orientation, 'cause this sounds just plain mean ;-(I can remember sitting down with my two managers and their telling me specifically I was too unsafe to start..."you need to give Kaexelate to a patient that has a high K (pt refused, K was above 6 LOL)..." and other problems; I just think your being an experienced RN, you should be the one that says enough is enough I'm ready, I don't need to be on orientation anymore! Ps...I know this is kooky, but perahaps your preceptor is a bit of a bully or power monger? Anyway, good luck!
The only specific that they told me was that I needed to be able to move my pt's faster:chuckle Which is a total crack up. The incident they gave me was no way my fault. I had a family practice doc send a pt to the ER with "orders" They read "no need for ER doc to see. order cxr, cbc, chem 12 and wait for my admission orders after these tests are done" I ordered just as he asked. I did a brief assessment. pt v/s all in normal limits-just c/o sob and has some dim bases. I check with my preceptor about starting a line and ordering anything else and she says nope. So the family practice doc shows up at the hospital wonder why his pt isn't admitted yet:confused: charge nurse makes him look at the orders he wrote. He apologizes and asks for a bed. I call bed control and am told no beds available-they need to be cleaned. I'm finally given a bed and I try to call report. No one will take report-they are still telling me the bed is not clean and they will call me back when it is. Meanwhile I am thinking that I should start a line. (so I do) I am still waiting. So I call them back. Sorry no go. I tell charge RN. She gets the med surg charge on the phone and MAKES them take report. Of course family practice doc is on the floor WAITING for this pt. (unhapilly at this point)--My fault? I guess so.
I appreciate your replies. I have a mtg today with my manager. I hope I will have further info. I know I am not ER super nurse. But, I can throw lines in with the best of them. I can assess pt's quickly and intervene when I need to. I work well with the other nurses on the floor and they really have seemed to accept me.
My family is ready to sell me. I guess I have just answered my own questions. I think if they can't let me off orientation this week I will have to just stay with my day job. But this is the only trauma hospital in the valley:scrying: and I like trauma...