Published Nov 6, 2008
17 Posts
I am a 1 yr nurse and just became employed at Providence Hospital-OR. I just took their Comprehensive Based Assess Test and have to retest next month. Just looking at the results, I answered more right than wrong but was asked to retest. I was not informed of how this day would go prior to going. There were review of Accucheck machines and IV pumps...then a video of senerios and had to write Nursing Diagnosis and map out what you'd do. Has anyone had to retest and what future plans did the supervisor map out for you? the nursing educator did not know hardly anything about the test or how to future prepare. I was told that it is not a negative effect on my annual evals. There wasn't even a score on the result page. So why do I have to take it again?
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
I believe that they use a modified version of the PBDS assessment, so I am basing my comments on this - My organization uses it also.
The assessment is meant to identify your strengths and areas in which you need further development. During your orientation, you will work with your preceptor to focus on any developmental areas. Afterward, you will re-assess to make sure that you met developmental goals.
I am sorry your questions were not answered by the educator or your manager. But having to re-assess is not really a negative thing. Every hospital is different and has different expectations. If you are now working with a different type of patients than you're use to - you have new things to learn. They also know - base on your assesment results - what you aleady know, so they don't waste your time going over that stuff again.
Thank you very much for your quick response. It is funny you say my preceptor should focus more on those types of patients that I did score higher on because I am not with a preceptor anymore. The orientation was only 3 weeks for a nurse with some experience. My manager and the nurse educator keep going back and forward on who's responsibility it is to answer concerns I have about this test. It burns me up when communication is lacking in management.:angryfire
Thank you very much for the help!