Published Feb 19, 2012
42 Posts
I just finished my general ed requirements and registered for Health Safety yesterday. Do I follow the testing as Excelsior has them outlined to take or is there an order that worked better for you? Also, can you rate the nursing exams on a difficulty scale? I know there are allot of variables in there, but I think it would help me in setting my goals. Any wisdom you seasoned test takers can give me I would so appreciate!
279 Posts
I took them in order, I don't see why it would matter though. I didn't find any much different from another, but if you use sg101 I would find a different resource for ls2 and ls3 if you are looking for an A. It should be fine if you are just looking to pass. Good luck!
Thanks so much for that tip. I had a 4.0 when I graduated as an LVN but......that was 27 years ago. At my age, a pass is reason to celebrate!! Ha
74 Posts
I did them in order, except I did transition first, the life span ones seem to be alot harder or it might be just me! I did get an A on life span 2 and I used SG101, saunders and had the textbooks - worked for me, I guess each person has their own way of doing things. Working on 3 with sg101 and the textbooks now - so far so good.
NurseCubanitaRN2b, BSN, RN
2,487 Posts
Kassie I'm taking the Health & Safety very soon and I'm scared as I did better the first time I took the practice exam. I really don't think it matters in what order you did them. Just before you enroll take the two courses. Good Luck