OR Travelers - we need resources!

Specialties Travel


  1. Do we need our own site?

    • 0
      Yes! Information is all over the place (disorganized)!
    • 0
      No! There's enough out there!
    • 0
      Maybe, haven't thought about it much
    • 0
      Go to this site....

I've recently started traveling and have been in the OR for 11 years now.

What a variety of crazy situations, people, equipment, interactions, you name it - that we endure! UWGPcP1WQeqrxDTpcAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC

The peri-operative world, with all of its variations from place to place, can be enlightening and frustrating, to say the least. It seems to me there is not a great deal of organized information out there for us to help each other out. I know there are Delphi forums, Gypsy Nurse, and a few others besides here - but the organization of topics for ease of navigating and information resourcing seems to be quite lacking as far as ratings, discussions, housing, etc., goes.

Help me out here, but am I alone in this perception? I know when I hunt for info, I don't want to surf through what seems like the want-ads in a large city just to see if a certain OR is a hellhole, decent, or heavenly sent! The travelnursing central site is not OR specific when rating hospitals, and I just haven't seemed to find anywhere that has good organization of topics.

Any thoughts out there? If I feel extremely overzealous, I just might attempt some creation one day, but for now, I'm sorting through the world of being completely on the road and changing my domicile, so I have a lot of work to do in a short amount of time!

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