OR interview questions


Hi, I am about to interview for my FIRST travel assignment. Can any of you help me to come up with a list of questions to ask the OR manager when interviewing for a travel position? I don't want to forget anything or be surprised when I accept a position. Thanks so much!!

What services predominate, call, schedule, scrub needs (if you do it)? Will you be called off for low census? That seems like enough to me.

I asked lots of questions when I first started traveling, but not so many later. I discovered that you can never really find out what it is like to work at a hospital until you do it. So questions about who cleans the OR, anesthesia turnover (aides and housekeeping support), CRNAs versus docs, none of that really matters much (unless it is really important to you). You will find that your duties and flow will be different at every assignment, but you will stay busy in their routine and culture. Sometimes I ask about staff morale but that is kind of irrelevant too. I've worked at delightful ORs, but the staff didn't appreciate it and had low morale. Sometimes the OR sucks, but the morale is good. Hard to predict, or know how you will like whatever you get plopped into until you do it.

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