ONP in London


I would like to access the OVERSEAS NURSING PROGRAM in London but a little query on this. Is it ONP requires a minimum 1 year work experience or voluntary work before applying this program?

And what type of visa they grant for foreign applicants?

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

I have separated your post into a thread of its own and moved it to international.

There are quite a few posts about working in the UK for international nurses and you can also have a look at my blog (link in my signature line)

To get a work visa in the UK you will need to fit into one of the shortage occupation categories and there are very few nursing specialities left on the list. These can be found in the Borders Agency website, currently these are ONLY specialist nurses working in Operating Theatre and Specialist Nurse working in Neonatal Intensive care. If you do not have significant experience in these areas then you are unlikely to get a work permit.


The Nursing and Midwifery council is our regulatory body, and they require the 1 year experience before they will consider processing your application to register as a nurse. Once they have accepted your transcripts you will need to then complete the Overseas Nurses Program at a recognised university.


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