Only certain departments in hospital got a pay increase?

Nurses General Nursing


Surgical, L&D, ER. Apparently they are the more 'lucrative' units, whatever the hell that means/matters. We're all out here working hard, we're all taking good care of our patients. What the hell?

Side note: Our employer does not give annual or merit-based raises so this is exceptional. I'm still making what I made four years ago.

Yeah, these MBA suits are a crock full of badness. However, they are smart and aggressive. They are going to pay a nurse the absolute minimum it takes to keep them performing a function for the hospital. As a Nurse I'd say helping patients but that's not the mindset we are talking about. If these guys know they can mistreat you in anyway; wages, hours, benefits, working conditions and it will improve their bottom line they will not hesitate. The only way to combat this is to call BS on it and walk or better yet have about 10 nurses put in their 2 week notice the same day from the same unit. Maybe will get them to fork over some $$$ but maybe not. I wish you all good luck

I used to work in an ICU that paid its RN's more than the other RN's in the hospital. We also received regular raises. No call or other requirements.

There are RN's somewhere working for $25K a year??? Really did I read that right?

Specializes in Adult MICU/SICU.

That wallows in lameness!!! Lame! Lame! Lame!!!

ER? They are a money pit. But a hospital can't take medicare without one. When minimum wage went up, I was working in an HCA facility. They sent out a house-wide email saying HCA doesn't do anything "minimal" and gave all minimum wage employees an extra dollar an hour on top of the mandated raise. But they didn't give anyone else one. We lost **** tons of our support staff because suddenly PCAs and Secretaries are only making a dollar or two more than the kid that works in the gift shop... they were pissed. Then when yearly evals came around, licensed staff didn't get our 3% that year. They robbed from Peter to pay Paul. Suddenly there was a major staffing shortage... I didn't have to deal with it because I quite too.

Moral: If you're making the same as new grads I suggest Zip Recruiter.

That is so offensive! The point of incentives is to encourage people to try harder. Incentives to prevent falls means they think you're not motivated enough to keep people safe. Basically, they're treating you like 3rd graders who need more motivation to do their schoolwork. I would be boiling mad at those implications.

If it were a surprise reward as a celebration or thank you for having no falls I could see it as a gesture aimed at retention. If its a prize you have to earn, I wouldn't show up.

So funny! When I moved to days, I would make everyone put up the food and clean up before shift change. Someone protested and said "we should leave it all out for night shift" When I told her they didn't want to eat food that had been sitting out for 12+ hours by the time they eat and all they are going to do is get stuck cleaning the mess up, she had this look of complete shock. It was like she had discovered alchemy... none of the day shift lifers ever even thought about that they genuinely believed they were being nice.

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