UCF/Seminole State Concurrent Program Spring 2019

Nursing Students School Programs


Don't see a thread started yet for the UCF/Seminole State Concurrent Program for Spring 2019. Just wondering who plans to apply this month and trying to get an idea of statistics. I have a 3.9 overall GPA, 3.9 for prereqs, got an 82% on the TEAS. I'm not sure if I should re-take the TEAS to try to score higher or if that even really matters. I also still have to take Diet Therapy in the fall which I'm afraid is going to make me non-competitive and if that's the case, I'm not sure what Plan B is. I'm applying to a few other schools too, so we'll see. Good luck everyone!

Hey all!!! Just checked and my status which was previously green and under review is now changed to "Eligible" XD XD two more weeks to goooooo

Mine says eligible now as well. Just a little over a week to go! Hoping we all get in together. This time actually went by more quickly than I expected - it's almost go time. Everyone check back in when you hear something!

Good luck everyone ! I'm in the program now, SSC/UCF. I remember waiting those 6 long gruesome weeks but I'm in my third semester so feel free to ask me questions.

Thank you - I'm sure I'll have tons of questions for you if I get in.

Hi I am late to this thread but I also applied to the UCF/SSC program. All green on my end and I'm so nervous! I finished all of my prereqs and my teas was an 82% my program GPA was a 3.8 and cumulative was 8.3. But good luck to all of you!! Hope we all make it in.

Hey I am also late to this thread . I've applied to both concurrent programs . I decided to post my stats to maybe help current and future applicants.




All green on both ends. Just playing the waiting game.

Good luck everyone ! I'm in the program now, SSC/UCF. I remember waiting those 6 long gruesome weeks but I'm in my third semester so feel free to ask me questions.

Hey , just wondering what to expect the first semester? What is class schedule like? Is working during the program possible?

cumulative 3.3 whoops. Didn't check before I sent....

Hi I am late to this thread but I also applied to the UCF/SSC program. All green on my end and I'm so nervous! I finished all of my prereqs and my teas was an 82% my program GPA was a 3.8 and cumulative was 8.3. But good luck to all of you!! Hope we all make it in.
Hey , just wondering what to expect the first semester? What is class schedule like? Is working during the program possible?

Well every group is different & there's one class the whole cohort takes together, Foundations. The other two classes are taken spilt up in 2 or 4 sections.

My schedule was Foundations on Monday 8-12 .

Tuesday Health Assessment 1 - 5

Thursday Heath Assessment Lab 3-6

Friday Skills 8-3

Saturday Clinical from 6 - 4

But everyone's schedule is different , you'll get your schedule when they give you all permissions to register for class. Be prepared for a full load and not a lot of people can work with that.

Hey guys. I was just told decisions are coming out this Friday for sure for SSC. But decisions came out early for VCC concurrent.

That's good ! That way I'll stop checking my email all day.

Thanks for the heads up! Thats so crazy though do they really need to make us wait this long clearly they already know who has been accepted into which program lol they don't understand this mental anguish!!

yeah VCC concurrent got their acceptances today. I only know cuz I applied to both but preferred SSC.

Yeah its absolutely nerve racking and hard to wait for so long but we are almost there. 2 days left until we know.

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