Aiken Tech Spring 2018 applicants

Nursing Students School Programs


Has anyone else applied to Aiken Tech for spring 18? The application deadline just closed and now the waiting game begins! After reading previous threads, I hope I have enough points.:down:

Just got off work and got home. I had two letters from ATC waiting on me. Both were the same letter. I didn't get in this time due to my GPA. I figured since everything else was pretty decent that if I applied I may have been able to get in. I didn't have any classes left to take so i took the semester off but I guess this upcoming semester I'll have to take just a class or two to get my grade point average up. I had a 2.7 so I guess I will retake a class to make a higher grade in it? I figured I would go ahead and apply since I was done with classes and was advised by my advisor to go ahead and apply even though my GPA was 2.7 because "You never really know." Any advice guys? So happy for those of you that got in though!! :) Maybe next go around? (HOPEFULLY!)

Congrats hoff8531! I live in North Augusta but either my mail didn't come yet (they come late sometimes) or we just didn't get mail today. How many points did you have? I applied with 35 but I'm still waiting!

I had 30 i think

Ugh still nothing today for me! I hope all of you guys get something!

I just checked my atc self service and saw some courses planned for spring. Not sure if that's a good sign or not but I hope so !

hoff8531 is orientation still next Thursday? I still didn't get anything today. I may have to just go up there monday

I was not accepted however my friend was accepted to the LPN. Best wishes to all who were accepted!

You need to call the school. They mixed up my friends address

Yes, orientation is the 30th

Orientation is the 30th. And testing is the 1st from 9a-3p. Both are mandatory

ugh, I just found out that you need to accept a seat by Friday. My mail wont come tomorrow and of course the offices are closed till Monday for calls! Really wish they didnt wait so long to send these out, I dont want to miss a my seat if I have one.

what is the testing on?

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