Online muscle lecture video for A&P?


Hey! Does anyone know of any good online muscle system lectures for A&P I? My prof. had to cancel class all this week due to personal emergency, and we were just starting on this chapter. I don't think I'll be able to make it to her make-up lectures and I'm getting very overwhelmed by the powerpoints. I like videos like Mr. Ford's Class but he doesn't seem to offer this lecture yet. Thanks!

There's a University of California Berkley prof named Marian Diamond who has a lot of lectures online. I like her because she actually writes on a chalk board. When you learn about mirror neurons you'll realize how much better this is than (shudder) power points! She is also a great lecturer- everything just makes sense. My A&P instructor is wonderful and some nice guy has been filming and posting his labs & lectures this term (2 of 3) on youtube. You can find him by looking for Jonathan Christie. Good luck!

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