online courses?


hello, i am not a nursing student, but i am considering nursing school. I have a BS in Psychology. unfortunately i do not live in the states and would need to take classes online. is there any way this can be done? i know that a lot of the education needs to be face to face, but does anyone know of any programs/ preparations i can make to get into nursing school when i move?

thank you!

There are lots of online schools that wil let international students enroll and take prereq's. Since you do not come to the US to take these calsses you do not have the worries of getting a visa. Most of them will only ask that you make assurances of tuition matters.

If you enroll in a school that does all the testing and classwork online with no campus requirement you will make it that much easier.

Try the schools listed in the sticky in the distance learning forum and make sure to ask about International students taking online (ONLY) clases.

Also check out the Peterson guide to distance education for accredited online classes for international students.

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