Published Oct 16, 2005
1 Post
Hello Nurses of the World. I am new to this forum. I am seeking information from anyone that has had experience with online BSN programs. Let me know your experiences, good or bad. Though I am new to this forum I am not new to Nursing. I have been in nursing 20 years, 8 as a LPN and 12 as a RN, Associates. I am currently the DON at a 132 bed ICF/MR.:chuckle
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,726 Posts
There is one thread here, I hope you've found.
I'm going to Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences and am having a positive experience. It's doable, because I work 3 12-hour shifts. Lots of paper writing, 100% online.
Good luck. Feel free to ask any questions.
5 Posts
I am going to University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. So far it has been a great experience. The Wisconsin University system has BSN completion at all locations. 100% on-line.
I'm leaning towards UOP. It's 100% online as well.
151 Posts
Hi all!
Does anyone have exp with Kaplan University? Good or Bad...please share some some info