ONC Certified looking for Contact hours


Hi there,

I'm looking for suggestions on how to find contact hours in Orthopedics to keep up my ONC certification. I need 100 contact hours - 70 in orthopedics specifically...

Anybody have suggestions on where to get a large number of hours at once vs those 1-4 contact hours from magazines. Say 30 at a time or so.




Going to the yearly Naon Congress is usually good for 25-30 at least. Make sure that you don't use them for the wrong year, that is if 2005 has enough hours then you'd use them on 2006. Hope that made sense. Also local chapter meetings and regional presentations are good for 6-8 hours.

Any med-ceus should be looked at in advance, but I got some at the ortho surgeon's convention in Atlanta one year. Keep your certificates and keep track of the numbers.

Don't do like I did...twice... I passed 1st in '89- had to retake the test in '94 and again in '99. Hey $180 for the test was a LOT cheaper than paying for the hours...:). I finally went inactive/retired this year. Good luck.



Going to the yearly Naon Congress is usually good for 25-30 at least. Make sure that you don't use them for the wrong year, that is if 2005 has enough hours then you'd use them on 2006. Hope that made sense. Also local chapter meetings and regional presentations are good for 6-8 hours.

Any med-ceus should be looked at in advance, but I got some at the ortho surgeon's convention in Atlanta one year. Keep your certificates and keep track of the numbers.

Don't do like I did...twice... I passed 1st in '89- had to retake the test in '94 and again in '99. Hey $180 for the test was a LOT cheaper than paying for the hours...:). I finally went inactive/retired this year. Good luck.


Thanks so much. I've heard about the conventions but usually have no one to go with. I just found 2 courses - 30 contact hours each in the Western Schools brochure. That plus 10 other orthopedic CEs I have will cover it. The other 30 contact hours can be in general nursing so that is covered.

Thanks for replying back!

Much appreciated!!


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