On child abuse registry and trying to fill out BON application



I'm a recent PN graduate who moved to another state and between the time of graduation and moving, I was added to the child abuse registry in the previous state. DHS was called by my child's school to investigate a bruise on my child's back leg (which I did give him a spanking, just didn't intend for the bruise). DHS came to my home and decided to open a case which didn't resort to any arrests or courts being involved; they just checked in every week to see how everything was going and requested that no corporal punishment be used during the 3 month check-in. Also, they said my name would be added to the registry for 1 year from the date that the investigation took place (March 2013). Now, we have moved and if the social worker was correct in the information she gave me, my name will be public until March of 2014; meanwhile I am trying to figure out how to fill out the Florida BON application because I'm a little confused where I need to add this information. I want to be honest with them but it wasn't a criminal charge, I wasn't arrested and it didn't cause me to have disciplinary action on my licence (since I am not licenced yet). I'm not really sure where I stand or what category this would fall under. Will this stop me from being able to get licenced in Florida? My sister-in-law who just graduated as a nurse practitioner told me that I should still apply but I'm worried. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

When it comes to what to answer when filling out the licensure application, you need to consult with a lawyer, as we can't give legal advice here.

As far as whether this will stop you for gaining licensure in FL...well, only the FL BON can answer that question. Unfortunately, BONs usually do not give a decision on whether you could get licensed with a criminal history until you actually apply for licensure. This is because each BON looks at such applicants on a case-by-case basis. You could contact them (do it anonymously by e-mail if you prefer) to see if they have any info that they'll give you, but don't expect to hear a definite Yay or Nay.

Best of luck.

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