OLOLC Accelerated Program??

U.S.A. Louisiana


Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

Hey Everyone,

Is anyone applying to or has applied for the Fall Semester 06??? Just curious to see who is out there. I know that they still haven't decided yet whether the program will stay in Baton Rouge or move back to the NO campus for the fall. Even if it stayed in BR, I would still commute...just would be nice if it was in New Orleans:mad:

Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.


ANYBODY??? I was kind of hoping there would be someone else who had applied and is going through the same anxiety that I am...:eek:

lsuhsc has one in no

Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

Yeah, I have looked into the one in NO...but there are different pre-req's than OLOLC. I was hoping that SOMEONE on here was applying...:o

The application deadline is the 15th of March, so I should be hearing something in the next month!!! Wish me luck. Anywhoo...good luck to all of you applying to programs elsewhere!!!

Yeah, I have looked into the one in NO...but there are different pre-req's than OLOLC. I was hoping that SOMEONE on here was applying...:o

The application deadline is the 15th of March, so I should be hearing something in the next month!!! Wish me luck. Anywhoo...good luck to all of you applying to programs elsewhere!!!

good luck! i hope you get in!:balloons: I would apply but i have 2 more semesters left b4 i get my bio degree.

Specializes in ICU.

i applied to olol accelerated ,taking anat II now, im also anxious ,there still getting over hurricane up here in baton rouge

Specializes in ICU.

yes i would enjoy it being in new orleans myself

Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

Yeah!!! Glad to know someone else who has applied. I talked to a lady named Nakia and she said we should get our letters the first part of May...I am sooo nervous, I really want to get into this program!!!

Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

Currently I am taking Micro, Nutrition and College Algebra.


Did you read how OLOL informs you that you were accepted? I saw it on another post. Last year they sent out these nice metal cannisters with cookies, bubbles, and some other stuff in them. . so be looking for that cannister! Good Luck.

Specializes in Med-Surg/ ICU.

That would be so neat to get something like that!!!! I would flip out Yet if I see an envelope...I might cry. We'll have to wait and see

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