Old DUI, having a hard time getting information.


I’ll try to keep this simple. I know that criminal offenses are handled on a one-by-one basis by the board so I am just trying to find out if some has or knows someone who has been in my situation. I will be applying to multiple nursing programs in the next few months (Rose State, OCCC, OSU-OKC) I was arrested for DUI in May of 2012. Nothing crazy, no accident, no one injured, I was pulled over for swerving. I was giving a deferred sentence, had to do 40 hrs of community service, pay some fines and have an interlock device in my car... all of that was done and it is all in the past. So my questions are:

1) are any of the aforementioned schools likely to deny me acceptance to the program because of the DUI?

2) is it likely the board will not let me sit for the NCLEX?

3) are hospitals going to hire a nurse with an old DUI?

I am hoping that since is was just a misdemeanor DUI and it was so long ago it won’t be an issue. By the time I sit for the exam it will be over 11 years old. I know In Texas the BON does not consider one misdemeanor DUI to be a serious offense and will not stop you from taking the exam. 

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