Looking for a good 2-year RN program

U.S.A. Ohio


Specializes in Geriatric.

Hello everyone, I am new to this site. I am an LPN looking for a good 2 year RN program any advice would be helpful. Currently at Cincy State waiting list to long am thinking about Beckfield. Is it hard to get in there.:uhoh3:

Hocking College in Nelsonville has a good program. :coollook:

Specializes in MICU, ER.

NOOOO It is not hard to get into Beckfield at all. I'm in my 7th qtr there and its been great. There are no waiting lists or pre-reqs. Provided you don't fail or sit out you finish in 8 qtrs. There is no reason it should take someone 4 years to get a 2yr degree like at cincy state. We have a couple of LPN's in our class now and they do very well. Just like in any challenging program, they work to weed out the ones that need to be, and work with the ones who need a little extra help.

PM me if you want any additional info.

Specializes in LTC, OB/GYN, Primary Care.

well if your already an LPN than it should be easy to find a LPN to RN program. That only takes a year or less. Christ Hospital offers an LPN to RN but they want you to work a year as an LPN first ( i learned this info second hand and you might want to check and see if it's true!). I know they have no waiting list for the RN. Good Sam also has an RN program, not sure of LPN to RN. Up near Dayton where I live Sinclair has an LPN to RN with no waiting list, just the RN program has a wait. Also RETS Tech Center has a LPN to RN with no wait... though those are probably to far for you to travel.

Eeeek! I just graduated from Beckfield's RN program, and I would not recommend it to anybody! For the record, I have not yet taken NCLEX.


When I started Beckfield, it was a small school. The first quarter class that just started has 80 students in it. Unless things have changed drastically, your credits taken at Beckfield will not transfer to other nursing schools. Since they are a "new" nursing school, they are not yet NLN accredited, which turns out to be a major problem if you want to work at a particular hospital. (I'm thinking Deaconness and VA, perhaps others.)


Midway through the program, they raised the tuition to $252 from $220. I sincerely wish I'd gone to Christ. I would have two years' seniority when I graduated, and if I was going to pay that kind of tuition, it would at least be at a recognized school.


Then there's this thing called "ATI." No matter what your attendance, ability, performance in school, performance in clinicals, or quiz/exam grades, if you do not pass ATI with 50%, you flunk the quarter. No refunds.

I know the wait list at Cincinnati State is a bummer. Please continue looking at other local colleges. I "heard" Gateway's pass rate for NCLEX *recently* (last graduating class) was dismal; I have nothing to back that statement up with, only hearsay. There's supposed to be a small college affiliated with Northern Kentucky University that is NLN accredited - the name begins with a B, I think - can't recall. Not Brown Mackie.


Have you taken all the prerequisite classes you can at Cinti State (where it's cheap?) It could help to pass the time. Best of luck to you in your search; you'll find the right place. Pray.

Specializes in MICU, ER.
Eeeek! I just graduated from Beckfield's RN program, and I would not recommend it to anybody! For the record, I have not yet taken NCLEX.


When I started Beckfield, it was a small school. The first quarter class that just started has 80 students in it. Unless things have changed drastically, your credits taken at Beckfield will not transfer to other nursing schools. Since they are a "new" nursing school, they are not yet NLN accredited, which turns out to be a major problem if you want to work at a particular hospital. (I'm thinking Deaconness and VA, perhaps others.)


Midway through the program, they raised the tuition to $252 from $220. I sincerely wish I'd gone to Christ. I would have two years' seniority when I graduated, and if I was going to pay that kind of tuition, it would at least be at a recognized school.


Then there's this thing called "ATI." No matter what your attendance, ability, performance in school, performance in clinicals, or quiz/exam grades, if you do not pass ATI with 50%, you flunk the quarter. No refunds.

I know the wait list at Cincinnati State is a bummer. Please continue looking at other local colleges. I "heard" Gateway's pass rate for NCLEX *recently* (last graduating class) was dismal; I have nothing to back that statement up with, only hearsay. There's supposed to be a small college affiliated with Northern Kentucky University that is NLN accredited - the name begins with a B, I think - can't recall. Not Brown Mackie.


Have you taken all the prerequisite classes you can at Cinti State (where it's cheap?) It could help to pass the time. Best of luck to you in your search; you'll find the right place. Pray.

I just heard about the VA troubles with someone in your class and that sucks! Was it really Beckfield as a program that kept them from being hired? :(. My sister called Cinti State to check on their waiting list today and she got a call back saying "3 YEARS!" My mentor is an instructor at Christ and she said the wait isn't too bad right now.

To MsICanDoIt:

From what I know, the situation with the students at the VA Hospital in Clifton was that the Federal Government would not hire nurses from non-NLN accredited schools. Translated, that means a Beckfield student could work at the VA, but not as an RN, *until* Beckfield gets the accreditation status. I *believe* new nursing programs have to be in existance 5 years or so before they can apply for NLN status, and that, if I remember right, can take two years before the school actually receives it. This is at all the new nursing programs. (Still can't remember the name of that other school associated with Northern KY; they fall under their accreditation umbrella.) When I considered applying at Deaconness, (several months ago) they wanted NLN graduates. Of course, it may be different now.


A three year wait at Cincinnati State? Good golly! :nurse:

Is moving an option? Columbus State has an LPN-RN program and the application for fall '08 and spring '09 opens up on Monday. Here is the link:


Is moving an option? Columbus State has an LPN-RN program and the application for fall '08 and spring '09 opens up on Monday. Here is the link:


Marion Technical College has a good program as well. You can bump into the program on GPA. I could have started this coming fal but I waned to get my prereqs and stuff out of the way first so I can concentrate on my nusin courses. So...I'll be knocking off A&P and a few other things this year and starting the actual RN courses in the fall of '09. I think the wait for our program is 2 years if you do't get in on GPA.

The name of the new college is Bohecker (spelling?) I keep hearing referrals, but nobody has actually "gone there."

Hocking College in Nelsonville Ohio...check out their website!

I "heard" and cannot substantiate that Kaplan refused to honor the agreement a Gateway student had. Gateway's pass rate is so bad they are on some kind of list. Kaplan would not refund the young lady's money when she failed NCLEX because she went to Gateway.


I would be screaming. I also do not know what month this happened in, or the individual's name. It was a comment made at work in my orientation program. If you are bound and determined to go to Gateway, where it is cheap, ASK UNCOMFORTABLE QUESTIONS.


And I stand by my original comment of "stay away from Beckfield." They raised tuition for the second time in May, 2008, are planning on getting a Cincy office on Route 4 (in the Fairfield area) so they are expanding and the students are paying for it. Let them work their learning curve off on somebody else.


Are there any Bohecker students out there that can comment on the quality of education you are receiving?

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