Ohio BON and Consent Agreements


Hi all! I am writing this to give some insight to future students, current students, new grads, and any nurse in a similar situation. I graduated in May 2015. I knew starting nursing school that my prior criminal convictions could/would potentially cause major issues for me down the road. Knowing the risks I pursued nursing anyway. I did my research about the application process so when it came time to fill out my application I had the necessary information ready to submit. I prepared a personal letter to the board, and I also provided written statements and court documents. The board ordered me to contact a Physicians Group to undergo an evaluation at my expense. The evaluation recommended that the board do some further monitoring. The OBON wrote a consent agreement that I was offered and I agreeded to the terms. During this time I applied to jobs and was offered a position at a hospital. The only problem was I needed a license to start. This whole process took 4 months and 11 days. At the last board meeting I was granted a RN license that is Active (Restricted) and placed on probation with restrictions. Since the process took so long I didn't think the hospital wanted to hire me anymore. But to my surprise I just received a phone call one week after being granted my license from the hospital and they still wanted to hire me!! This whole process was very long and stressful and at times I wanted to give up! But I didn't and now I am so happy that I have the privilege to practice nursing and that I was still offered the position after the long wait! I wish everyone out there good luck and don't give up on your dreams!

Hi I was wondering if the board issued you a license and then gave you your stipulations. I was also supposed to receive a consent agreement and I too graduated in May 2015 but just passed NCLEX on January 13. Today I looked myself up and I have an active unrestricted license and haven't heard from the BON at all. I'm also in Ohio. I guess I'm wondering the steps they made you go through before you had a license.

Congrats on your license! No my license says active with restrictions and that was after I signed my agreement. I am working, almost finished with orientation! Good luck with everything! í ½í¸Š

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