Ocean County College OCC Nursing 175 help


Hi everyone!

I am an LPN currently and can go through the mobility program at OCC. I have the chance to "test out" of Nursing 175 and go onto the next semester. This worries me but excites me.

Does anyone have an idea of what Nursing 175 consisted of?

Thank you!!

I'm currently an LPN and was looking into both the mobility program and OSOL at OCC? Can you tell me the difference between the programs? How long are each of the programs? Any information that you can share is greatly appreciated. They don't give much online. Thanks

I agree. There's not much online. Im still waiting to hear back from the adviser from 2 weeks ago! From what I have heard, you can enroll in the Mobility program if you're an LPN for at least 6 months. You still have to have the required pre-requisites and TEAS test results. The main difference is you can skip Nursing 1 if you "test out". So basically after all of your pre-requisites for the traditional program, you then can take the Nursing 1 final exam. If you pass it, you can go right into Nursing 2 and be a semester ahead. (This is what Im waiting on from the adviser.) The OSOL is onsite online. You take all courses online and you attend clinicals 1 day a week, 7am-7pm. I have heard from one of the instructors that they only allow people with medical experience into that program. So since youre an LPN, you'd be eligible to go into that program. The only difference is if you test out of Nursing 1, you would go into Nursing 2. It's all so confusing. I'm hoping to hear back from the adviser this week. I'll keep you updated on anything else I hear

also, the nursing program consists of 4 sections. Nursing 1 is a semester, 2 is one semester, etc. So if you skip Nursing 1 by testing out, it will only be 3 semesters (about a year and a half) The full program, OSOL and traditional program, is 2 years

Hey, just wanted to see if you heard any more information? I had inquired online and the email I received back was a link to their website, which again was no help at all.

Im meeting with someone on Monday! I'll let you know what I find out :)

Great!!!! I got a little bit more information as well for the program. If you email, -------------------------- and request an onsite online application, she will send you more information.

Thank you! I'll do that [emoji4]

Hello again!

I spoke with the Assistant Dean and she said I can start the OSOL classes in the Fall 2016! There is virtually NO waiting list if you want OSOL. Are you done with pre-reqs, background check and the TEAS?

Great to hear that there's no waiting list. I completed the application and sent all the paperwork in for it, sending for my background check next Friday (3/11) and will take the TEAS the following Friday (3/18). How about you?


I submitted my OCC OSOL nursing application by 3/31/16. I wanted to know how long do we have to wait to see if we're accepted. I can't find any of reviews about students going to OCC OSOL nursing program. Have you guys heard anything?


I submitted my OCC OSOL nursing application by 3/31/16. I wanted to know how long do we have to wait to see if we're accepted. I can't find any of reviews about students going to OCC OSOL nursing program. Have you guys heard anything?

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