Published Dec 19, 2012
1 Post
I am a long-term care nurse. For the past approx. 3 weeks, I've taken care of a patient with C. diff. So my question is this....Has anyone unknowingly brought home C.diff spores and have a family member come down with a C.diff infection? I ask because last week my 1 year-old daughter finished a course of antibiotic for an ear infection and since Monday she has had numerous green, mucous-like, and watery stools. Just yesterday, her stools started to have the C.diff smell and has virtually no appetite. I am taking her to her pediatrician in the morning to rule out the possibility, but I am scared I unknowingly gave her c.diff!!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
Here is the info for c dif precautions from the CDC:..... cant provide medical advice but wish you and your daughter well. Agree a pediatrician appt is in order.