Observation Unit for new grad


Hi. I am a new grad and have received a job offer in an observation unit at a hospital. The ER at this hospital is a level 1 and very busy all the time. However, I'm not really sure how this unit works and if it is a "good" place for a new grad to work. I know it is very busy, but is it suitable for a new grad? If not, should I apply to something like Med Surg?

Thanks for your advice!

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

These days, the best place for a new grad to start work is wherever a job is available - LOL! Seriously, an obs unit can be a great launching pad for you. You'll be caring for a wide variety of patients. It's a great environment for polishing your assessment and documentation skills as well as communicating closely with physicians. Go for it!

My word of advice is to take the job and run especially being a new grad. If you don't take it there will be 200 more lined up ready to take this job. Jobs are hard to come by especially for new nurses.

Learn as much as you can and ask lots of questions. It's the coveted hospital experience and if you decide to move on you will have this experience under your belt.

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I'm working on an observation unit, it's a new unit at our hospital.. It used to be combined with the pcu! I love the unit.. It's fast paced and your challenged daily.

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