Published Jul 16, 2008
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
Obama told several thousand American Indian supporters that he would honor long-ignored treaty obligations and revamp health care and education on reservations across the United States. Such services have long suffered because of inadequate funding and the much criticized oversight of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
"Few have been ignored by Washington for as long as Native Americans, the first Americans," Obama said. "That will change when I am president of the United States."
Obama said treaty commitments with Indian nations were "paramount to law" and could not be ignored when Washington makes funding decisions affecting Indian Country. He characterized the Bureau of Indian Affairs as a bureaucracy out of touch with those it serves, and said the agency needs to be shaken up so it will perform better.
"You guys pay taxes too. You deserve to get decent services from Washington," he told the crowd in Crow Agency, Mont.
Earlier, in a private ceremony, the candidate was adopted into the Black Eagle family of the tribe under the name Awe Kooda Bilaxpak Kuuxshish, or "One Who Helps People Throughout the Land."
Crow Vice Chairman Cedric Black Eagle said a purification ceremony was performed in which the candidate faced east — the source of new life — and was prayed over by his adopted father, Hartford Black Eagle.
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50 Posts
Hey Thunderwolf, just wondering what the President has done to improve Tribal healthcare since he's been in office - if he's done anything at all........
30 Posts
I am a member of the Crow Tribe & did vote for Obama. Seeing how our IHS (Crow/Northern Chyenne) is practically going under that he has done nothing thus far. It is a terrible & sad situation to see that healthcare for two of Southeastern Montana's American Indian tribes is dwindling.
In recent years, I myself have been "afraid" to patron the Crow/Northern Cheyenne IHS facility as services have been of poor quality. I usually tend to seek healthcare services elsewhere. It is a shame that my native peoples cannot be provided with quality healthcare within their reservations.
But, maybe that will change...just click & read the following link...