Published Jul 16, 2006
8 Posts
Hi All! This is my first posting since I have been lurking around this website for about a year. I have a dilemma. I am starting my last year of my BSN in the Fall and last year during clinicals I had the opportunity to take part of some surgeries. It was a lot of fun - loved the cameraderie and one of the circulating nurses took me under her wing. I truly enjoyed it. Then came my OB clinicals which I also loved. This new love prompted me to get an externship in Women's Services where I float between antepartum, L&D and Mother Baby. All summer I have been working in this department and now I am not so sure about it. I am not excited to go into work. I am not sure if it is because I am not in one area and am instead floating. It also could be all the scut work I am doing but doesn't that come with the territory as an RN? I am thinking about inquiring about making a switch to the Peds OR but a position has to be open in order to do this. I am very nervous about making this decision. What if this is a mistake and I find I should have stayed in OB? I feel like I need to find the area I am interested in so I can start in that specialty immedicately after school. BTW, I have a job in Women's Services if I stay in OB. Thanks so much for your help. This has been weighing on my mind!
68 Posts
Just personal preference I suppose..although by the title of the post I thought maybe it was a reference to the growing scheduled c section rate :uhoh21: cause I feel more and more like an OR nurse lately!!!
I do strictly L and D because we are a separate unit at my hospital. I do not care for the perinatal unit at all, but I think it is just because it is floor nursing and in and out of rooms and I prefer the one on one I do in L and D. I do not think I would care for mother baby either for that same reason.
Good luck in whatever you decide. One main difference to consider is patient is much more limited in the OR than in OB..
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
The local cases are not much more limited in OR.
Oh ok. We are with the patients from admission through recovery...then take them to post partum. I guess I think of OR nurses of just being in the OR and not pre op and recovering as well. I have never worked there though..LOL...
We have a few that are cross-trained, not all are though. I do OR full time and do pre-op PRN. Even during the case there can be quite a bit of interaction, if the pt. is just getting local anesthesia.