Please Help!

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Hello, my name is Amber, and I am about to start college. I know what career I want to major in, but I'm not sure what the name of my job title would be. I need to know this in order to decide what to major in. Below I will give you a description of the job, if anyone knows what this is called please e-mail me at [email protected] Thanks!

The nurse that takes the newborn from the mother after birth, cleans it up, places it in the incubator, and watches and takes care of the healthy newborns in the nursury and their mothers, as far as feeding and stuff.


hey, well i don't have much of an answer for your question... in fact, i am in the same position as you. i know almost exactly what i want to do but don't have a name to go along with is. sucks, huh? i know it's so incredibly frustrating though because how are we ever going to make it smoothly without even knowing the name. Sheesh! Anyways, you can read my post (Tina C). I put another post about a week ago and no one helped me out much but I'm really praying (for the both of us) they'll come around. We'll see!


You would either want to go into nursery nursing or postpartum nursing. The larger hospitals will have specific nursery nurses who take care of just the babies. In some places the postpartum nurse will take care of the moms and babies together. Where I work, we are the labor & delivery nurse and the nursery/postpartum nurse. It all depends on where you work and the size of the hospital.

In the area I live in, you need to have your RN and have at least a year or 2 of general nursing experience before you can get a position in the OB unit.

It's well worth all the hard work. I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world! Good Luck!

Originally posted by Robins:

You would either want to go into nursery nursing or postpartum nursing. The larger hospitals will have specific nursery nurses who take care of just the babies. In some places the postpartum nurse will take care of the moms and babies together. Where I work, we are the labor & delivery nurse and the nursery/postpartum nurse. It all depends on where you work and the size of the hospital.

In the area I live in, you need to have your RN and have at least a year or 2 of general nursing experience before you can get a position in the OB unit.

It's well worth all the hard work. I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world! Good Luck!

Hello, Robin, I'm not sure where it is you live, but I live in pensacola, FL do you know the specific name for what I want to be in my location? Thanks, Amber

Hi! Good luck on your education. First you need to get your RN. If you work as a student nurse the last year of your school (or even the summers ) on an OB unit you will have a better chance of being hired on the unit right out of school. I just read your note again- if you are in 4 year college first you would be doing Pre nursing for 2 years then 2 years in the your major would be prenursing then nursing and you would get your BSN. Alot of specific training is during your orientation after you are hired.

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