NYU pre-reqs 2011, what was your experience?


Specializes in Ambulatory Care.

Hello Nursing World :)

I would like some feedback from people who have completed and/or are in the process of completing the pre-reqs at NYU. I am aware that you can take most of them in one semester, my question is ... was it hard to manage? and Did you work while attending these classes?

I am mainly interested in those who took more than 3 pre-reqs per semester. And please share any additional info regarding your experience with the class itself. I still need to take nutrition, statistics, dev psych, and chemistry. Do you think I should take these four classes together or am I nuts for even thinking that?

Any feedback regarding the above topic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Specializes in Gastroenterology.

Hi there,

You are not nuts at all. I did Dev Psych, Nutrition, Anatomy & Physiology and Microbio at the same time and had loads of free time. Even working 25 hours a week at a part time job I still felt like it was a very relaxed semester. Not only is it completely do-able, it's a great use of time.

I took Dev Psych with Prof. ****** and it was a total joke. Seriously the worst class I have ever taken and I learned nothing. I can't believe he's still teaching there, but as far as I know he is. He gives you a list of vocab words to memorize for the tests and all you do is match the words with their meanings or fill them in blanks - that's it. There were a lot of in class movies too.

Nutrition I took with Prof. ***** who is really cool. The class was not hard, but was interesting and I learned from it. Nutrition is pretty important in nursing and a lot of what you learn will come up in later courses and appear on the NCLEX.

I can't comment on stats and chem, but from my experience all the prereqs are ridiculously easy at NYU so I would guess that they would be fine too. I can't say that I learned a lot by doing the pre-reqs at NYU, but at least I got them all done in a hurry so I could get on with my nursing program. Also, doing the pre-reqs in the fall and starting the accelerated program in the spring is nice. You'll be with other accelerated students more in your classes instead of mixed with the traditional students, which I kind of liked.

Specializes in Ambulatory Care.

Thanks! Great information. I really wanted to start my pre-reqs this fall but the lady I spoke to on the phone said it was too late :confused:

Specializes in Gastroenterology.

That's a shame. I'm surprised because it doesn't seem that late. Hope it works out for you in the future.

Specializes in Ambulatory Care.

I thought the same thing but I guess a lot of people are doing the same thing. I found a few online courses that give those pre-reqs. Im thinking of going that route so I can still apply for Spring 2012. :) ... would just have to take chemistry at a regular college. We'll see. Thanks for all your help. :D

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