Published Jul 8, 2020
2 Posts
Hi everyone,
I am currently working at NYP Columbia and would like to transfer to Cornell. I was wondering if anyone has done this before or vice-versa? How was the process? Is the transfer easier since both facilities are NYP? I know the facilities operate very differently and independent of one another, so I am worried the transfer may be harder to do for that reason. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
StacyAtheNurse, BSN, MSN, APRN, NP
62 Posts
Im surprised you ask this here instead of to your coworkers, but lucky for you, I have done this before, twice. LOL
Just apply though workday, do your interview, accept the offer if you like it, inform your manager and select your last date at CUMC and your start at WCMC. It is very likely that your last day will be a Friday and your first day that coming Monday.
Keep in mind that WCMC is not unionized, which means a pay bump, but can also mean some unfair situations between you and the clinical managers. Not so common its a huge issue, but the longer you spend there, the more likely you are to encounter it. The transfer is quite easy, and WCMC is a beautiful campus and great to work at. It was by and far my favorite campus, but everything was just so expensive I ended up taking home less money than when I was at CUMC.
Good Luck
emtrn13, BSN, RN, EMT-B
5 Posts
Hi! Little unrelated does anyone know of discounted parking garage near NYP Cornell? Or where nurses park usually? I heard nights u can find street a lot but for day shift I’m trying to find a reasonable parking option! Thank you!!
Hey, you can park in Payton, or one of the other parking lots. Let me warn you though, it’s pricy, even WITH the discount. If you live in Manhattan you shouldn’t even waste your time with a car. I live in north Bx and I would just take the express bus there to save myself the creeps on the trains/buses. Contact the parking department (their number is listed on infonet, or you can just search parking on infonet and call the number)
Otherwise just search parking lot on the internet. Sites like manhattan nyc::matchtype_e&utm_content=431255950533::adpos_::network_g::device_m::a_campaign_9862072256&ad_grp_id=99984788613&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8rT8BRCbARIsALWiOvTm0Ja8_61K7wJVnPz4FM5O50haHKkT83YjxEam82QQEeQZHlL9NvkaAmRpEALw_wcB
give you an idea of what rates are like. good luck
freedomdawn, MSN
61 Posts
On 8/20/2020 at 5:39 PM, StacyAtheNurse said: Hey, Im surprised you ask this here instead of to your coworkers, but lucky for you, I have done this before, twice. LOL Just apply though workday, do your interview, accept the offer if you like it, inform your manager and select your last date at CUMC and your start at WCMC. It is very likely that your last day will be a Friday and your first day that coming Monday. Keep in mind that WCMC is not unionized, which means a pay bump, but can also mean some unfair situations between you and the clinical managers. Not so common its a huge issue, but the longer you spend there, the more likely you are to encounter it. The transfer is quite easy, and WCMC is a beautiful campus and great to work at. It was by and far my favorite campus, but everything was just so expensive I ended up taking home less money than when I was at CUMC. Good Luck
Hey. You mention taking home less money at WCMC than CUMC, can you explain why/how this worked? What were the benefits like at each place? The starting pay-scale? I know NYP-CUMC being unionized has a set scale, but how does it work at WCMC? Which unit?