NWCC @ Senatobia LPN


Hello!:D I'm new to posting, but have been finding GREAT info on here for the past six months! :redbeathe Now...looking for some info of my own!:confused: LOL! I have applied to the NWCC @ Senatobia LPN program for August 2010.:yeah:I know that at least 200 ppl have made application.:hpygrp: So...where are all of you? What kinds of scores (TEAS & ACT), GPA's, etc. do ya'll have? OR...if you are a past student from NWCC and can share some info. We won't know who gets in until the 1st or 2nd week of July! I think I will be crazy by then!:sstrs: I just want to know if I really have a chance of getting in or not?! Any info is greatly appreciated!!:anpom:

just took the test june 9th did well on math but not on the others the test was ok

I am not going to hold my breath though :( the lady that gave the test said I didnt know how to read! I told her I had a 25 in reading on the act and she looked at me like I was lying. From what I understand they are taking the scores on all the subjects.The

person that gives the test is such a happy camper. good luck everyone maybe this just isnt my year.

19 on act

no college

crappy score on pn teas test

Aww! Don't be so hard on yourself! And no matter what....NEVER, EVER GIVE UP! :) I took the TEAS on June 3. The lady said my score was great...but I'm just not sure!

I have : Adjusted Individual Score: 74.7%

Preparedness Category: Proficient

Mean-National: 62.0%

Mean-Program: 53.8%

Percentile Rank-National: 85

Percentile Rank-Program: 96

Reading: 83.3%

Math: 73.3%

Science: 64.6%

English: 80.0%

It all just seems low to me! :eek: I just took my ACT in FEB. and got a 23. So maybe that will help? And...I have no college that counts. Went to Concord Career College forever ago!

Well...Good luck to you!! Have you applied elsewhere? I heard Oxford NWCC is easier to get in to...doesn't even require an ACT score. Thanks for your reply!

I took mine on June, got a 72% lady asked me If I was already addmited to NWCC, if I had an ID and If I had college courses. She said we should hear from her 2nd week of July. We will see what happens, good luck to everyone! Anyone Applied to the Desoto Campus??


Hey! I tested the same day as you! Remember....we talked before test and after test and compared scores? I finally signed in so that I could post! LOL! So have you heard anything else from Desoto? And what about the Covington program? Which do you prefer? Good luck to you, also! I'm dying to know who gets in!

Hi... I took the test June 9th and scored an 892. I got my letter in the mail today, and I was not accepted. However, I was chosen as an alternate.

Hey Cindy! yeah I totally remember you!! I have not recieved anything in the mail yet. However, I did get accepted to TTC Covington. I am waiting to see how I did with NWCC Desoto and Senatobia. So far no news from either one of them. Good luck and to everyone in the forum DONT GIVE UP!

I got accepted to Senatobia, but they want to charge me out of state tuition at 1850 per semester. I do not think an LPN program is worth that. I can go to tennessee tech for a 1000. In state is 850 but for some reason they dont do the county border thing like they have at U of M and other schools. Any thoughts?

sorry did not mean senatobia I meant Desoto!

Geez! That does seem a little high. I would take into consideration how much money you have toward college first. If you have grants, scholarships, loans, savings..etc to cover it then...I would look at location/distance from each college or program from where I live and I would also do a little research to try to decide the best program. Just my opinion. But...if money is not an object then I would certainly want the best program. Hope that helps! Good luck making the best decision for you! :) Let us know what you decide.

P.s.-You really would think that they would have some forgiveness of bordering counties...especially Desoto being right on the stateline. Crazy!

Hey! Thanks for your reply. I considered all the variables you suggested. I do not own any money. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to CBU, and was able to cover the remaining balance without asking for any loans. So my intention is to keep it like this as long as I can. This is one of the reasons I decided to get my LPN first and then my RN, so I could work while finishing up and owe as little as possible. I guess you can say I am sort of a finance freak and try to keep everything in order lol.

I decided I am going to go to Tennesee tech, apparently I can qualify for the WIA program which would cover expenses, since I am going to be classified as "unemployed" since I will not be working at all during the program. I am taking the TABE test at their office tomorrow and start the application process.

I am actually notifying all the schools that I will not be taking my spot tomorrow so somebody else can get it. I have made up my mind.

Good luck to everyone out there that wants to become a nurse!

Good luck to you! I'm glad you have made your decision and I am also glad everything seems to be falling into place for you. You sound like you are playing it very smart when it comes to your finances! I hope to do the same. I hope to stay away from ANY loans! I already have two scholarships and have applied for a few grants that I'm sure I will receive. Now..I just am waiting on my letter!! I think my chances are good,,,I just WANT THAT LETTER! LOL!

Again,,GOOD LUCK TO YOU! :) Sad we wont be going to the same program..but we can always keep up on here! :)

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