Published Jun 16, 2009
89 Posts
I am just wondering how different second year of nursing school might be. I am taking NUR255 online this summer because I am trying to make the school work load lighter for the Fall. (thanks for the advice flames)
What do you think? Will it be a lot harder?
I am concerned because I do not feel competent. I feel like there is that second year that will make me feel like a nurse. I anticipate a lot of work because I do not feel like a nurse. Not yet... at least.
Flames9_RN, BSN, RN, EMT-B
1,866 Posts
I don't think 2nd yr was harder, maybe the same!! One still has to study, but at least now you sort of know what kind of questions they ask on the exams! Yes people still fail the last 2 semesters, but just dont slack off, keep up ur studying habits!
I highly recommend you do the preceptorship NVCC offers during the final semester. You will learn so much more there then in a regular clinical. Plus if they like you, and they have a job open, they may offer it to you! But the big benefit is getting more hands on experience, and actually working with a RN that wants a student,lol As well you get to see how the flow goes as you spend more than 1 day there. Believe you have to get 112 hrs in half a semester.
Nur 255, good times,lol As i recall, not a difficult course, just have to put in the time!! But soo nice to have it out of the way.