Nursing student w/ no previous healthcare experience

Nursing Students Student Assist


Hi everybody! I'm a 6th semester nursing student who will be graduating with a BSN in May 2012. I'm very confident with my assessment skills and passing medications safely, and know that I have learned so much thus far in nursing school. However, I have no previous healthcare experience and seem to have the most trouble with the little things. For example, transferring patients with many different IV's, oxygen, monitors, etc. I always feel like I'm tripping over the patient and feel like it takes me forever just to get them disconnected to go for a walk, to the bathroom, etc. Also, putting attends on older or immobile patients. I can never seem to get them on right or well enough that they stay attached. CNA's are not always available and I want to get good at doing total patient care, because it is likely I'll be working the night shift when I graduate and won't have a CNA to help. I really want to make sure that my patients are safe and I frequently feel like I'm bugging my nurse mentor for little things that should be no trouble. I desperately want to be a competent nurse, but this is really getting me down. Any tips you could give me would be much appreciated!

Specializes in CNA.
Any tips you could give me would be much appreciated!

Go get a part time job as a CNA.

Specializes in Infusion.

we had to get our cna certification before applying for nursing school but since i'm not a cna, i'm always a little lost on those details as well. fortunately half of my clinical-mates are cnas and i pick up a lot from them. find someone you can practice with in lab or ask a nice student who is also a cna to help you with each skill.

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