Published Mar 25, 2011
7 Posts
Hi there!
I have my very first UNE (Undergraduate Nursing Employee) interview in a few days! I am excited & super nervous.
It is for a position in the cardiac OR which is something that I am very interested in. I am hoping that some of you experienced in this area, or in job interviews specifically would be able to assist me in preparing for this interview.. I've only ever had job interviews for retail, and that was many years ago so I'm not too prepared in interviews.
I'm sure they are going to ask questions specific to this unit - I was wondering what are some things I should study/review in order to prepare for this amazing opportunity? Are there also some general questions I should be prepared for?
This would be the perfect summer employment for me so I definitely would like to head in prepared :) Please leave any tips or links to other topics on here that may be of assistance. Thank you in advance!
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
Try heading over to the OR nursing forum and doing a search for interview- I'd post links, but there are quite a few threads and I soon need to head into work (some of the search results don't really apply, but it should be obvious which ones do).
157 Posts
I had a Cardiac Surgery interview less than 2 weeks ago. She did not ask me anything specific to cardiac, even though I had studied up on it. She wanted a chance to get to know me. She asked about how I handled conflict in the past. She asked for an example of prioritizing. She asked about the personalities of different managers in my past. We talked about our interests outside of work, such as scuba diving and dogs. I was dressed very professionally in a black skirt, blazer, black pantyhose and the cutest little peep-toe slingbacks with about a 2.5 inch heel. My fingernails were short with clear nail polish. No perfume or hair spray. I left her a copy of my resume on high quality paper. I left her a handwritten thank you card in the lobby immediately afterward and typed up a proper one on good paper which I hand-delivered to the front desk the next morning.
Questions to ask her: will you be circulating only or will you learn to scrub? How many surgeons will you be working with? What is the schedule like and how is taking call handled? How long will your orientation be? What are the most common surgeries performed? About how many cases are handled in a year? Hours and pay? Will you be allowed to shadow before making a decision?
Best of luck! I am still waiting to hear. . .
140 Posts
I don't have experience in OR interviews since I'm an ER nurse so not sure what type of questions they would ask you specifically. One thing I just couldn't help but saying though was, in the msg the previous poster above said is questions to ask "hours and pay". Okay maybe ask your job hours but I would NOT ask job pay in the initial interview. If the interviewer happens to tell you, great, but don't ask.
13 Posts
I know this website in which helps with interview practices, they helped me with the structure when I was looking for a job. Here is their website:
Okay, now that I'm off work, here's some of the questions I was asked in my last interview:
-How would I handle switching shifts? (Currently working evenings, position is days)
-What are my top 3 strengths/weaknesses?
-Why am I interested in the position?
-Will I be able to fulfill the call requirements? (Every 4th weekend plus 1 short 2 hour block and one 16 hour block per week, plus making arrangements to be able to respond within 30 min).
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about studying or reviewing anything for the interview. If you have no OR experience, most places expect that you will need an extended orientation and will provide that. Facilities that use AORN's Periop 101 course have an orientation lasting a total of 9 months (6 months working directly with a preceptor side by side, and another 3 working solo but with backup available).
Questions you should ask:
-Will you only be circulating or will you also be taught to scrub/2nd assist?
-What are call and holiday requirements?
-What are the shift requirements? Will you only work days, or will you fill in on other shifts if a permanent off-shift staff doesn't exist?
-How long is the orientation?
-Will you be with the same preceptor for each specialty, or will you be with a different person each day? (This is how it was with my orientation, and it was overwhelming- learn one way one day, be with a different person the next, do it the way I was taught the first day only to be told it was wrong because the second preceptor didn't do things the same way as the first- and neither was wrong, just different.)
Thank you so much!!