Nursing student from NZ wanting to pursue nursing in CA

World Registration


Hi everyone,

I am a nursing student from New Zealand. I'm a year away from sitting the RN state exams. My husband is from the states and we are contemplating moving there after i have sat my exam so that he can be closer to his elderly parents. I have been reading up on practicing as an RN in California and am slightly confused. Some places I read says, I need to have had 2 years of experience before being allowed to practice and other places give me the impression that I can sit the nursing exams there without the practice?

I have been meaning to email the California Board of Nursing to get some clarification but I thought i would ask here first. Any comments would be appreciated!

Thank you

Hi Elsa,

Thanks for your message. Since making this post I've done a bit more research and I am certain that I have "deficiencies" based on this document:

I am not sure any nursing school in NZ will cover all the areas required by the CABON.

I have completed another science degree before starting my nursing degree. Do you think that I could submit both transcripts and hope that some of the courses from the science degree fits the CABON criteria?

I am studying at CPIT. Are you in New Zealand right now? Just to clarify, you are looking to study here and potentially go back to CA?

Specializes in Gen Surg & Cardiac.
Hi Elsa,

Thanks for your message. Since making this post I've done a bit more research and I am certain that I have "deficiencies" based on this document:

I am not sure any nursing school in NZ will cover all the areas required by the CABON.

I have completed another science degree before starting my nursing degree. Do you think that I could submit both transcripts and hope that some of the courses from the science degree fits the CABON criteria?

I am studying at CPIT. Are you in New Zealand right now? Just to clarify, you are looking to study here and potentially go back to CA?

Hi Hana,

Just checked this thread again and saw I forgot to answer your question!! Sorry about that. I think that depending on what state you try to become registered in, you will first need to get both transcripts evaluated (what is your previous degree, out of curiosity?) and then you will either have educational deficiencies or not. You can also try to get pediatrics and maternity experience in clinical placements or in your first RN job. Looks like you are almost graduated in Christchurch then? How is your training going?

I am very excited to be studying next month here in beautiful NZ. I live in the far north and have chosen to study at NorthTec.

I will study here and then possibly go back to live and work in the US later in life. For now, I am happy in NZ and am a resident but my family is in the US and I am still a US citizen so I am not sure where I will end up long-term.

I am still a bit worried about having deficiencies to make up in California but my life is here now and I need to start my RN training because I'm getting older and impatient! There seems to be no way to know for sure until I have a transcript from NorthTec and am an RN. A Kiwi nurse I chatted with on allnurses who studied at Whitireia told me she didn't have to make up any courses with the Pennsylvania board of nursing a couple years ago but that is just one example and every state is different.

Please reply with an update and do let me know how your process of transferring licenses is going :) Not many of us in this situation so good to share info!


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