Any Good IV Therapy or Nursing Procedure Web Sites

Nursing Students Student Assist

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I'm in my second semester and I'm kinda confused about doing this set up, like the drip factor and all that. The instructor taught us, but I still don't get it. The paper I'm referring to study from doesn't make sense. Could somebody please explain to me, in easier terms (like what is a tubing and needless canula, etc). Thank you so much!

Thank you so much for the great info!!!This has helped me so much.

1 Votes

How wonderful are you!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

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Can someone tell me what two signs which indicate that I may have inserted the cannula into an artery might be??

1 Votes
ChihuahuaLover said:
Can someone tell me what two signs which indicate that I may have inserted the cannula into an artery might be??

Bright red, throbbing blood. When you see it once you will never mistake it again.

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