Nursing Schools In PA

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I am currently in a nursing program already, but Im afraid I ran into some trouble with my clinical intructor and I was most likely going to transfer out of the program. I am looking for other schools of nursing in PA. Can anyone give me any info??


Nursing Student:nurse:

Where in PA are you? It is a pretty big state and I would hate to receommend a school with a 4 hr commute.

ETA- Perhaps the situation isn't as bad as you think. I know it is tough to transfer nursing schools. I go to HACC and there are several different campuses in the HBG area.

Im in Schuylkill County..I go to the Pottsville Hospital school of Nursing.. It was the only school I applied to right out of high school and it sounds bad but im totally regretting it and i wish i would have kept my options open and looked at other schools for nursing. I know its going to be tough transferring and all. Both Reading Hospital and St. Lukes Hospital have a waiting list til Aug of '09. If i stick it out at this school thats when I will graduate.. im not sure what to do!!!:banghead:


Sorry I can't be more help since I live kind of far from there. The only schools I've heard of donw that way are and maybe Jefferson (not sure they even have a nursing program, might just be medical?)

FWIW, I do know that schools may or may not accept your previous schooling as a transfer b/c clincial programs are designed differently. I recently looked into this b/c I thought we might be moving and was quite discouraged by what I was hearing from the schools.

Is there a way you can maybe stick it out? Only a year left it sounds like, right?

Good luck!

Try Widener University in Chester. They are pretty good as well. They have a great reputation as nursing students and their graduates at area hospitals.

im trying to be as positive as i can be.. yes only 1 and some months left to go..i really am trying hard to make it through the semester i brought my grade up and all..soo i will try and stick it out..


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