Published Oct 1, 2016
PinkMom, BSN, RN
85 Posts
Any suggestions for supplies/things needed for nursing school. I've been accepted into an accelerated (12 month) program, if that makes a difference.
On my list, so far:
- notebook/clipboard
- stethoscope
- pen light
- compression socks
Any other suggestions? Thanks!
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,048 Posts
Your school should supply you with a list of reccomended supplies. I'd advise going for the best stethoscope you can afford -- Littman makes a nice one. Several nice ones. As far as compression stockings -- some folks like them and some folks cannot tolerate them. Figure out which camp you fall into before spending money on the things. You'll need a computer and a printer, if you don't already have them. If you're picky about pens, get several of your preferred type and carry them in your bag. Some hospitals and clinical settings have a plethora of pens lying about, but in some they're scared as hen's teeth. You'll want a pocket notebook to write down drug names, medical terminology, lab values, disease processes, etc. that you encounter during your day and will want to look up later.
And good shoes. I don't know what your school mandates as far as color/type of shoes, but spend the money to get good, supportive shoes that will protect your back, hips, knees, and feet. Expect to spend in the range of $100-150 for a single pair of good shoes. I love Danskos, but the Birkenstocks that my friend swears by are intolerably uncomfortable. Others swear by New Balance or Algeria or even Keen hiking boots. Whatever is most comfortable for YOU and still meets your school's dress code.
verene, MSN
1,793 Posts
See what your school recommends and then modify to suit your needs. Expect that if you don't already own a laptop you may need to buy one. (For my program it is mandatory).
The only thing I really recommend that won't be on a list is a planner. It doesn't matter what sort but find a calendar or planner that works for you and buy it. It really helps to stay organized, particularly in an ABSN program because you will not keep track of assignments and commitments in your head - there are too many of them coming at you too quickly.
Yes, I meant other than what they put on the mandatory list. Or brand suggestions for the necessary items like y'all have suggested.
We do have to have a laptop. I've got that covered.
I'm looking into planners to decide which one I like best.
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
I bought a $30 planner and there's nothing different about it compared to my friend's $8 planner that she got at target. Honestly, I wish I would've gotten a planner like hers because it looks so much easier to use and is just as cute. I would also get a large dry erase calendar for your room/house so that you can't miss what you need to do.