Nursing school with an arrest record

Nurses Criminal


I recently submitted for a castle branch background check for nursing school and I am suppose to start on Jan 2nd. I do have an arrest on my record for a 1st degree misdemeanor for battery - it was a self defense situation and it was dropped 2 weeks after the arrest was made. I've never been in trouble in my life and didn't really understand how this would affect me when deciding to go back to school. The background check came back saying that a record was found and the school will be meeting to determine how this will affect me going into the program. I am in the process of getting it expunged but in the state of FL it can take 8-10 months. I have discussed with my attorney and he said he would be shocked if this prevented me from completing the degree but I am just looking for any advice and if anyone has dealt with anything like this. 

Thank you! 

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