Nursing School Accredidation


I was just wondering how nursing accredidation works. I know some, but not all, programs are NLN accredited. What happens if you go to a school that is accredited, but not specifically accredited by the NLN? Will you have trouble getting a job? Will I be unable to transfer credits to go from being an LPN to an RN? Essentially, what are the conseuqneces of attending a non-NLN accredited school?

I have not enrolled in NS yet, so please give me the cold hard truth so that I don't waste thousands of dollars and 1 year of my life. Thank you in advance.

And yes, I did search the archives for similar topics, but none of them really did a good job of answering my questions

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

OOps. I'm sorry. My post related to RN programs, not LPN ones. I don't know about LPN programs.

Specializes in Medical Surgical/Addiction/Mental Health.


I left a message on another thread you posted about this same topic. Here is the deal, you may find it difficult to find an LPN to RN bridge program, but it’s not impossible. You will have to research the schools and their individual requirements. As for a job, it may be difficult. I left a school that wasn’t NLN and that class is graduating in two weeks. All of them are finding it difficult to get jobs. Of course the economy doesn’t help their situation. The few who have found jobs have found them in long-term care. I know hospitals are much more selective in their hiring process.

I would suggest checking out schools you are interested in doing your LPN to RN bridge and looking at their requirements. They are the ones betters suited in answering the question regarding education. As for NLN and employers, call up HR in facilities and ask them if they hire graduates of that school’s program. They will tell you if they do. If not, then you will know where you stand.

Good luck.

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