Nursing ratios


Hello, I work in and extremely busy ER in southern California. We see over 400 patients a day. We have a section in the ER that functions as an urgent care. This area is usually staffed with 1-2 nurses and we get up to 25 patients sometimes. I'm looking for information (laws) that pertain to

-the ratios for urgent care areas

-what deems an urgent care an urgent care (we are located in the main area where acute care patients are, and as far as I can see, we are still to maintain the 1-4 ratio).

I cannot find to much under title 22 and am hoping someone can help point in the right direction.


Specializes in Urgent Care NP, Emergency Nursing, Camp Nursing.

Perhaps you should go ask in the Cali forum? You guys have laws out there for ratios...

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