nursing program at bmcc 2014

U.S.A. New York


Hello everyone,First of all I want to share with you guys that I have been accepted in the nursing program at bmcc and even though I am really greatful for the opportunity I was surprised that I actually got in.As many of you have read it is really hard to get in any nursing program and especially in BMCC but I believe since the school implemented the HESI exam things have changed incredibly. BMCC has 4 main prerequisites; math104, eng101, bio425 and psy100. Once you have taken this 4 class you are able to make an appointment with the nursing department counselor who would evaluate your transcript and decide if you are eligible to take the HESI exam. Make sure you get A's in this four classes and not lower than B's in the general requierements but if you dont get all A's in the main 4 courses do not panic you still have a chance. I had a 3.5 gpa in only the 4 classes(2 A' and 2 B's) and I was scared to death that I was not even going to get the chance to take the HESI I even applied to other school just in case. However, I went to Mr. Sierra and surprisingly he gave me the green light for the HESI. Since I knew I didnt have the highest gpa's like my friends had I decided to study the most I could for the exam. At BMCC the hesi only covers a&p, math and reading comprenhension, they also include critical thinking which is consoder a tie breaker so dont worry about it. But make sure you pass all 3 with 75 or higher DO NOT FAIL ANY SECTION if you pass them all yyor chances to get in the program are 95%. With that being stated I can only say, do not give up, do not let the gpa terrorize you like it did to me. I got 3.5 gpa and 85 in the hesi (overall) I did not fail any sectio.. Ii know the gpa is really important but iis not your golden ticket to get in. I had friends with 3.8, 3.9 and 4.0 who didnt get in because they either failed the exam or one section.I hope this give yu hope and made a little bit more clear how to proceed in getting to the program at BMCC.If you guys have any questions feel free to email me to [email protected] and I'll be glad to answer them. P.S this requirements are only at BMCC other schools might have different procedures and rules.

Thanks for posting, this gave me a little bit of hope. I have a 3.4 in my 4 prereqs and I take the test next month. Wish me luck!


Thank you for posting this helpful info. I just have some questions regarding hesi exam. Do you remember how many questions in each section - A&P, Math, Reading Comprehension, and Critical Thinking? Also, what types of questions do they ask in CThinking part? I am a little worried about this part because I have no idea what kind of questions they may ask since there's no study guide for that. Which questions did they ask the most in A&P? I know every test may have different questions, but I just want to have an idea. Lastly, in reading part, what kind of reading passages did they ask? Is it like the one in study guide?

Congrats by the way in getting to the nursing program :) How was the first semester and what kind of things do you do and what course do you have to take in your first sem? I'm planning on taking hesi this fall, and I want to know what to expect when for example, I get in to the nursing program. Another question when you passed the hesi what next step did you have to do?

Thank you so much.

Just a word of encouragement, I took the hesi exam and was quite pleased with my results. Most people complained about the A&P section saying it wasn't in depth enough. They have question about joints, the sense organs and the endoncrine. The hesi review exam 3 book was excellent for the math section only. Please study your notes from a&p 1. The book is not a must to have, it's only good for the maths section. The a&p section mislead a lot of people. I would recommend "essential anatomy & physiology a quick access to the important facts and concept". It cost literally 5 dollars on amazon. Study the ears, they asked about it.

Focus on the minor stuff when it comes to a&p, literally simple things that we often overlook. It mess up alot of people's chances. I don't even think those review question online helped either just book the essential books and study notes and trust me, you will pass.

It's 55 question in maths and reading comprehension while a&p and critical thinking have 30 each. For the a&p, please study your notes, they ask thing we often overlook. It messed up alot of people, study the joint, endocrine, hypothalamus,ears and bone along with other stuff. The more prepared you are the better. It wasn't hard but it can be unexpected

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