Published Jul 28, 2008
67 Posts
I am scheduled to take this exam this Oct 2008. Is there anyone who can give me some tips on how to prepare for this exam? I would realy appreciate it. Thanks!
Effie, RN
72 Posts
I took the exam last July at NNSDO. Took the two day prep class immediately prior offered pre-convention and found it VERY helpful. The class went thru the exam content well, had practice test. Passed the test with flying colors.
Congratulations, Effie! Besides taking the prep classses, would you recommend reading specific texts? Unfortunately, I can't take time off to take the classes. I'd have to study on my own:( so I am hoping that you could give me some tips on study materials.
You definitely want to get a copy of the "Scope and Standards of Practice for Nursing Professional Development." You can also get a copy of the 2-day course to self-study on CD which is very effective...I actually did that too before I knew I was going to be able to take it live. If you do those 2 things I'm sure you'll do great! (Both of these are from NNSDO and you can get them online.)
You're the best! I'll order them and let you know how I did. I'm supposed to take the first online exam in Oct or Nov of this year. Thanks Effie!
Can't wait to hear back how you did!
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
Prior to the exam I purchased the CD from NNSDO on the review course. It was VERY helpful.
I will look into buying one. Thank you! How long is the CD to listen to?
Real-time, I'm not sure...multiple hours but not something you'd sit down and listen to straight through anyway. You can also print off the manual and read through it.
sorry it took so long to answer. I have been on vacation. I earned 16 contact hours from the CD so I assume that the average time is 16 hours. I was able to convince admin to pay for it since it was half the price of attending the seminar out of town. I drove 3 hrs to Dallas to take the test, had a hypoglycemic episode, had to be rescued by others and leave the room till I felt better, and I still managed to pass. So it can be done!
Thanks for the feedback! Wow, hypoglycemic episode? I better bring some glucose with me :) In any event, I thought I'd register for a 2-day review class not too far from where I live since I haven't taken any education days yet. It's just harder for me to do self-study these days. Just don't have the time. I called ANCC and alerted them that I'd be ready (I hope) to take the exam in Oct. It'll be computerized...the first one to be offered (no more pen and paper). Thanks again!
I hope you enjoyed your vacation.
8 Posts
Tell us how the computer based ANCC Nursing Professional Development exam went? I am interested in knowing more as I am scheduled to take it next week. I do have study materials that I can share if you will contact me at [email protected]