Nursing problem?


What is a nursing problem? Is it the same as a nursing diagnosis?

The question I'm having trouble with (for a case study assignment) is to identify 5 nursing problems and the rationale for each of them. :confused:

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.
What is a nursing problem? Is it the same as a nursing diagnosis?

The question I'm having trouble with (for a case study assignment) is to identify 5 nursing problems and the rationale for each of them. :confused:

I am not sure. Some programs use "nursing problems" in place of nursing diagnoses (many LPN programs use this approach). With others, the instructors may want you to identify potential and actual patient care problems by use of nursing diagnostic statements. My advice to you: seek out your instructor for clarification. Best wishes to you and please let us know if we can be of any further assistance :)

With others, the instructors may want you to identify potential and actual patient care problems by use of nursing diagnostic statements. )

That's it! Thank you so much. :D

I do remember the clinical educator saying something about patient care problems :imbar . I will email my lecturer just to be certain.

Another question:

The patient I cared for has problems with frequent falls due to poor balance/co-ordination, stress incontinence, amputation of R 3rd & 4th fingers, risk for impaired skin integrity, OA and glaucoma. The patient was also considered to be a danger to self due to walking unaided which increased risk of falls.

Would these all be examples of nursing problems?

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

In the old days before nursing diagnosis, our care plans would be lists of nursing problems and the nursing interventions for them. So, instead of saying (in todays lingo) Potential for injury due to falls. . ., we used to just say "fall precautions", "risk for falling", or "fell on Tuesday". Instead of Fluid disturbance due to diarrhea as a result of (whatever), we wrote "diarrhea" and "electrolyte imbalance".

Another question:

The patient I cared for has problems with frequent falls due to poor balance/co-ordination, stress incontinence, amputation of R 3rd & 4th fingers, risk for impaired skin integrity, OA and glaucoma. The patient was also considered to be a danger to self due to walking unaided which increased risk of falls.

Would these all be examples of nursing problems?

Yes. You just have to turn them into diagnostic statements--have fun.

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